Friday, December 3, 2010

52 1/2 of 52 1/2 - A year gone by

Looking peaceful from a distance, but try to walk close...

One year ago, I was going to close down this blog.   I felt out of inspiration, empty of things to write about, and generally fed up with virtual worlds.  Then I got a few unexpected comments that somehow lifted the confidence in my own writing, and inspired me to start again.  So I set myself a challenge: To write at least one blog post a week for a whole year.

One year later, the count is 99 posts.  It's done!

Google Analytics is an interesting tool.  I don't have hundreds of readers, but it tells me that during this year, people from 64 different countries have visited my blog.  That's kind of awesome!

During this year, my interest in SL and virtual worlds have changed.  When I started my challenge, I found it more fun to write about SL than actually living it.  Now I feel that my need is more back to exploring the world instead of writing about it.  More about making stuff instead of takings snapshots for the blog.

It's like I have written myself back to SL.  Even if I still have too little time to spare for it.  Work is taking a lot of time and attention these days. 

I have also taken a few steps out of SL and into the OpenSim environment by getting my own sim in ReactionGrid.  I have a building project there that suffers of a serious lack of progress.

Even if I love writing, it does take a lot of time.  I tend to formulate and reformulate a lot, even if the result is rather far from Shakespeare's English. 

The net result of all this is that I won't repeat my commitment for periodic postings on this blog.  No, it won't disappear, and I will still write from time to time, but next year will be more inworld focused (at least that's what I hope:-).

There are so much to see!  So many gifted people doing awsome stuff in lots of different worlds.   I so want to see it all.....

Feathers Boa has an awsome exhibit at Four Island North.  It shows how virtual world art can be of a quality matching the best of RL, and also surpass it because of the added possibilities the grid makes possible.  It's deeply moving too.  Do go take a look.

And this I guess is what will happen to my blog.  2011 will be the year of virtual art and art alone.  I will write when I find something awsome worth sharing, and I hope some of you might find that interesting.

So there we go.  A year has gone by.  A new one is starting.  I do look forward to what it will bring!


Jane said...

Ah Cris - a year ago! So you made it - and it was fascinating - (well - ok - not the tech bits for me....but there are lots of others reading those...)

And I can understand your priorities - and one certainly doesn't have time for everything: RL is somehow so often in an awkward competition with SL, and I think everyone can identify with that.

I really believe that you did 'write your way back into Second Life' - and btw - that was my quote first - you should have cited me!!

I would only ask that you try to post at least some of your intensely perceptive art observations, and pics - because they really widen others' perceptions of virtual art. I think that there can never be enough interest and participation in this - and you do it so well: your enthusiasm is palpable - and we, your audience, respond and share it too...

Thank you for a great year...

But I think you are a blogger for life...

See what happens!


Cristopher Lefavre said...


I really should have cited you yes:-) Thanks for your comment, and I do think you are right: I am a blogger and will probably never really stop:-)

Joonie said...

Cris...I miss your blog posts.

Cristopher Lefavre said...


I think I might be back soon:-)